About SkillClient
The SkillClient, developed by MCmodding4K aka. Nick, is a new Hack-Client, first known for his Creative-Exploits, but by now also for his Combat-Hacks and FightBots, allows you to do almost everything in Minecaft you want to!
LEARN MORE!The SkillClient has been around since Minecraft 1.9.x.
The SkillClient is a hacked client for minecraft that allows you to use all kinds of hacks such as HitBoxExpander, ChestAura, Safewalk, AdvancedLegitFastBridge or FightBots.
The Creative-Tabs with Custom-Potions, 4931 PlayerHeads with Special-Textures like TACOS, cookies or computers and many Exploit-Items are one of our most popular features.
Need Support? We’ve got you covered! Contact our team on Discord, we’re always here to help 🙂
— Lead Developer
Over 90+ Cheats
The Minecraft SkillClient Hacked Client comes packed with over 90+ cheats that let you rule the playing field. All cheats are instantly deployable at a moments notice…you rule the game!
Wanna have access to thousands of Accounts for free? SkillClient is the Solution! With the SkillClient AltGenerator, you don’t even need the Authenticator to use the accounts!
MultiOS Support
You pick the gear and we’ll make sure we’re running on it. This amazing Hacked Client fully embraces MulitOS Support by proving full-scale usability across Windows, Mac and Linux OS’.
More Creative-Tabs
Ever wanted more Blocks with customized textures on any server? SkillClient has you covered with over 4931 CustomPlayerHeads, Better-Spawneggs, + mucho exploits 🙂
OptiFine TuneUp
We want you to have the most enjoyable experience so we packed this baby with OptiFine right out of the box. Enjoy HD texture packs, greater rendering distances and higher FPS!
A Whole Lot More!
We can’t possibly list all the amazing features – we want you to discover some on your own! Download it, have a play and enjoy the smooth and relaxing experience…
Options > Controls > GUI
Commands: .help
.give -
Download the SkillClient and be the player you want to be!
Download Current Build (1.13.x)
Download Past Builds (1.8.x – 1.13.x)