Minecraft 1.16.x Aristois Hacked Client + Download
Client by: Alexander/Deftware
Search bar β Search for any mod in the Gui and access itβs settings
Combat Settings β Edit all of your combat mod settings in one location
Main Menu β Customise or disable the main menu of the game
Gui Properties β Edit the color, size, font, and more of your Gui
Chat overlay β Shows you tips how to use the mod
Server IP display β Part of Hud. Shows current server IP
FPS Display β Part of Hud. Shows FPS
Hunger Display β Part of Hud. Shows Hunger level
Saturation Display β Part of Hud. Shows your current saturation level
TPS Display β Part of Hud. Shows Server TPS
Ping Display β Part of Hud. Shows your ping to the server
Direction Display β Part of Hud. Shows which direction you are facing
Location Display β Part of Hud. Shows your coordinates
Inverted Coords Display β Part of Hud. Shows nether coordinates
Durability Display β Part of Hud. Shows durability of held item
Alt Manager (Accessible from the Main Menu) β Quickly change accounts without restarting the game
XRay Ores β Customise your xray blocks
Nuker Blocks β Customise your nuker blocks
Macros β Add macros for chat commands
ESP Blocks β Customise your blocks for BlockESP
Waypoints β View, edit, and add waypoints
My Cape β Edit your cape (Donors only)
AutoEject Items β Customise the items AutoEject throws away
GhostHand blocks β Customise which blocks GhostHand will interact with
Aura Entities Manager (Accessible through Combat Settings) β Add specific entities for combat mods to attack
ESP Entities Manager (Accessible through EntityESP) β Add specific entities for ESP to highlight
GUI: Right Shift
Commands: .help
IRC: # to talk in the IRC
Keybind: .setbind | or you can middle-click a mod in the GUI.
.help β brings up the command list
.auth β Generates a 6-digit auth code (for donors to log in)
.binds β List all current keybinds
.cbook β Used for book duping in 1.8 β 1.14.x
.damage β Harms yourself in survival
.drop β drops everything in the inventory to the floor
.enchant β enchants held item to the highest level
.experimental load β loads experimental mods (warning, they are experimental for a reason!)
.f or .fabritone β Only available after Fabritone is installed. Allows you to use fabritone commands
.fakechat β Allows you to send a fake chat message. Client-side only
.friends β Add, view, or remove friends
.give β Gives you the specified item. Creative only
.goto β Only available after Fabritone is installed. Goes to the specified waypoint
.ignore β Add, list, or remove ignored users
.invsee β View the inventory of players within render distance
.login β Log in to the Aristois website
.look β Looks in the specified direction
.mods β Shows currently loaded mods (addon mods, not Aristois mods)
.panic β Disables all active mods
.radar β Shows the legend for the radar mod
.reload skins β Reloads player skins
.rename β Renames the currently held item. Creative only
.reset β Allows you to reset various parts of the Gui
.rules β Shows the IRC rules
.scale β changes the Gui scale
.server β Allows you to leave or reconnect to a server
.setbind β Set a keybind for a mod
.t or .toggle β Toggle a mod on or off
.trigger β Change the Aristois trigger (.)
.unbind β Allows you to unbind keybinds
.version β Displays the current EMC version
AutoEat β Automatically eats when you are hungry
AutoEject β Automatically eject unwanted items from your inventory
AutoFish β Automatically fishes for you
AutoMine β Automatically mines the block you are looking at
AutoCommand β Automatically executes commands at every set interval
AutoParkour β Automatically jumps at the edge of blocks
AutoReconnect β Automatically reconnects to a server if you get disconnected
AutoSneak β Automatically sneak
AutoJump β Automatically jumps for you
AutoSprint β Automatically sprint
AutoChest β Automatically steals/dumps all items from/into chests
AutoTool β Automatically picks the best tool for the job
AutoTotem β Will automatically put a totem from your inventory into your offhand
AutoWalk β Automatically walk forward
AutoSign β Automatically writes your selected text on signs
AutoPot β Automatically throws a potion under you when low on health
AutoSoup β Automatically eats soup when low on health or hunger
Criticals β Increases chances of getting critical hits
AutoArmor β Automatically puts on the best armor
AutoDisconnect β Automatically disconnect if your health is low
AutoRespawn β Automatically respawn when you die
BowAimbot β Automatically aims your bow/crossbow at nearby entities
KillAura β Automatically hits nearby entities
Reach β Allows you to reach further
Regen β Regenerates your health faster with full hunger
TriggerBot β Attacks the entity you are looking at
AutoClicker β Automatically clicks when you hold the left mouse button
ActiveMods β Shows all of your active mods
ArmorDisplay β Displays your armor and durability in your Hud
BetterCrosshair β A better crosshair with customisation
Hud β Display information on-screen
PortalHud β Disables portal animations and gui interference
TabGui β Use the arrow keys to quickly toggle mods
Radar β Shows nearby entities on your screen
MiniPlayer β Renders a small preview of your player
MurderMysteries β Finds the murderer in MurderMysteries
PropHunt β Allows your to see players in the prophunt minigame
AntiSlowdown β Prevents slowdown from certain blocks and actions
BHop β Makes you jump with an increased speed while walking
FishMode β Disables udnerwater gravity
Blink β Allows you to βteleportβ up to 10 blocks
BunnyJump β Allows you to jump higher
ElytraFlight β Fly for an unlimited time with an elytra
FastLadders β Allows you to climb ladders faster
Flight β Fly on servers
EntityFlight β Fly with entities like horses
BoatFlight β Fly with boats
Freecam β Allows your to fly around outside of your body
Glide β Makes you glide instead of falling
LookLock β Locks your yaw and pitch directions
InventoryWalk β Walk while inside the inventory
Jesus β Allows you to walk on water
NoFall β Prevents fall damage
Velocity(AntiKB) β Adjusts knockback
AirJump β Allows you to jump up on most servers with anticheat
SafeWalk β Prevents you from falling off edges
ScaffoldWalk β Automatically place blocks as you walk
FastBridge β Lets you bridge faster, automatically sneaks at block edge
Speed β Change speed on entities
Spider β Allows you to climb walls
Step β Allows you to increase your step height
WaterJump β Jump on water as if it were a trampoline
JetPack β Fly as if you had a jetpack
HorseJump β Get max jump height on a horse every time
AntiAFK β Mopves randomly to avoid anti-afk plugins from kicking you
NoSlip β Prevents slipping on blocks like ice
Annoy β Repeats the messages of a selected player
ChatColor β Enables chat color (client-side only)
ChatMute β Mutes the Minecraft chat
ChatSpammer β Spams a selected message in chat
Derp β Derp derp derp (randomly moves your head)
FancyChat β Makes your chat fancy
GhostHand β Allows you to only interact with selected blocks
IRC-Mute β Mutes the IRC chat
NameProtect β Replaces your username in chat (client-side only)
OneClickFriends β Middle click players with your mouse to add them as a friend
SkinBlinker β Toggles your skinβs 3D layers repeatedly
Twerk β Twerk like Miley Cyrus
UnfocusedCPU β Limits your FPS when Minecraft is unfocused
ShulkerPeek β Allows you to peek inside shulker boxes
Inventory++ β Allows you to keep items in your survival crafting area
AntiAnimation β Disable selected animations
AntiBlind β Removes effects such as nausea and confusion
BetterNameTags β Better nametags for players and entities
Breadcrumbs β Leaves a trail after you when you walk
ChestESP β ESP for chests
ItemESP β ESP for items
EntityESP β ESP for entities
Fullbright β Makes the world bright
NoWeather β Removes snow and rain
ChunkViewer β Displays chunks around you
StructureFinder β Find structures using specified settings
Tracers β Draws lines to selected entities
Trajectories β Draws a line where things like arrows will land
TrueSight β See invisible entities (not vanish or spectator)
Waypoints β Draws lines to your set waypoints
XRay β Allows you to see ore in the ground
RainbowEnchant β Makes your enchantments rainbow colored (client-side only)
Dinnerbone β Flips you upside down (client-side only)
BarrierVision β Allows you to see barrier blocks
CustomF3 β Modify the F3 debug menu
StaticVision β Statically modify and lock your FOV
FastBreak β Allows you to break blocks faster
FastPlace β Allows you to place blocks faster
Nuker β Breaks all blocks near you
Timer β change the world speed (not tick speed)
AntiCactus β Prevents cactus damage
AntiHoney β Prevent honey block slowdown in 1.15
AntiBerryBush β Prevents taking damage from sweet berry bushes
**Experimental Mods:
AutoCrawl β Crawl
BlockESP β Draws an outline around selected blocks
Download: HERE!!!