Minecraft 1.14.x WWE Hacked Cheat Client + Download 🙂
Client: WWE Client
WWE Client is a Minecraft cheat/utility mod for 1.14.1(this is the 1.14.1 version), 1.13.2 and 1.12.2. It has 113 modules, 21 commands, a color manager and much much more.
Also, you can connect to 1.14 server by going to the multiplayer screen, and clicking 1.14.1(it will change to 1.14) and then you can connect to 1.14 servers.
The 1.12.2 and 1.13.2 version have baritone which is developed by leijurv, it’s an automatic walking/pathfinder bot (it can do a lot more than walk), self-proclaimed “over 30x faster than MineBot at calculating paths”. So you might want to check out those versions of wwe too xD, on wwe clients’ website.
.toggle – toggles a command, .toggle kill_aura
.bind – sets a modules keybind, .bind kill_aura r
.friend – friends a player, .friend IKnowImEZ
.rmfriend – removes a friended player, .rmfriend IKnowImEZ
.peek – peeks into the shulker box your holding, .peek
.xray – allows you to manage blocks in xray, .xray add diamond_ore
.logoutspot – manage log out spots, .logoutspot remove someplayer
.t – toggles a command, .t kill_aura
.waypoints – opens the waypoint gui, .waypoints edit kek
.value – changes a modules value, .value packet_fly y_distance 1.0
.whoson – shows who is most likely on wwe client, .whoson
.mobowner – shows the name of the player who tamed a animal, .mobowner
.customfont(not working)
.search – allows you to change blocks used by search, .search add gold_ore 255(blue) 0(green) 255(blue)
.f3spoof – opens f3spoofers gui, .f3spoof
Download: HERE!!!