Minecraft 1.7.2 – 1.7.5 Hacked Client – Nuk3leus + Download 🙂
Client: Nuk3leus
Client by: Nuk3leus
-Pressing keys while in Gui make it disappear
-Direct login can sign into cracked (non premium) accounts because Minecraft has changed its login system
– (minus) = GUI
-Killaura (hits targets around you if they are within attack distance “4 blocks” without having to look or click)
-Criticals (Make all your hits critical)
-Godmode (“Glitchy” makes you invulnerable)
-Knockback (Knocks players you hit further back)
-Auto respawn (Respawns you automatically when you die)
-No hurtcam (Doesn’t show hurt effect client side)
-Face Entity (Faces closest entity)
-Auto sword (Switches to sword when you hit something)
-Auto Eat (Eats food if in hot-bar when food level gets to 8 and a half)
-Regen (Makes you heal faster)
-No push (Prevents you being knocked back)
-Auto block (Blocks with sword when hitting)
-Auto disconnect (Disconnects when hearts get to 2)
-Fast bow (allows you to shoot your bow without charging it)
-Sprint (Makes you sprint)
-Jesus (Walk on water)
-Super jump (Jumps higher than usual)
-Step (Steps up a block Automatically)
-fly (Enables you to fly)
-Speedy Gonzales (Breaks block faster than usual)
-Sneak (Server side sneaking)
-Double jump (Allows you to jump twice in the air)
-Climb (allows you to climb up any surface)
-No swing (you don’t use swing animation server and client side)
-Fast fall (fall faster)
-Auto Walk (walks forward without you pressing “w”)
-Auto jump (Jumps automatically)
-Phase (Allows you to walk through blocks)
-Xray (allows you to see ores and other treasures)
-Fullbright (Makes you world bright)
-Player esp (Draws a box around plaers)
-Tracers (Draws a line to players)
-Anti rain (no rain 🙂 )
-Chest esp (Draws a box around chests)
-Block hunt esp (Allows you to see all hiders in mini game blockhunt even if they have become a block)
-Day (Always day client side)
-Anti blind (No blind effect)
-Night vision (Night vision effect)
-Anti invisibility (Shows invisible mobs and players)
-Nocheat+ (Makes hacks bypass nocheat “Step, criticals, Jesus, sneak”)
-Ghost (attempts to make you invisible when you die)
-Nofall (Take no fall damage)
-Keybind list (Show a list of keybinds)
-No web (No slow down in web)
-Nuker (Breaks blocks arround you survival/creative)
-Freecam (Lets you go out of your body and noclip through blocks)
-Fast place (Places blocks faster)
-Fast eat (Eats food faster)
-Coordinates (shows coordinates and current looking direction)
-Name (Shows your name)
-Server info (Shows ip:port of server)
-Colour (Makes gui see thorough)