Minecraft 1.4.5 Hacked Client – Gosu Client + Download 🙂
Client by: Way Too Gosu (client updated by Darkldrago108)
PvP client with many options for kill aura, ESP, waypoints, the normal mods (fly, dolphin [jesus], tracers) with a lot of customizability. A decent looking GUI, console and other stuff.
Up Arrow = GUI
Additional Information:
*To open the GUI, hit UP (It is changable in the keybinds tab).
*The console history/Keybinds tab are both scroll-able using the mouse wheel.
*To add friends use the console and type “friend add/del friendname”
*To use tracers, you must also have to have either “Playertracer” or “Mobtracer” for Kill Aura you must also have “Players” or “Mobs” enabled. I recommend using real-aim on servers like KitPvP.
*Panels appear when CP is down. There are 2 default panels. You can either create your own using the CP or hit generate panels and it will do it for you.
Oliver Berg GUI methods
Download: HERE!!!